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RIAPS is a Resilient Middleware for Smart Grids. See riaps.isis.vanderbilt.edu for more information.

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Publish-Subscribe Example App

The PubSub app, located in the PubSub directory of riaps-tutorials, demonstrates how to use Publish-Subscribe messaging. It should be run on a single RIAPS VM node.

About Publish-Subscribe Messaging

Publish-Subscribe, (a.k.a. pub-sub), is a one-way messaging pattern from N-to-M ports: publish, or pub ports, send messages, and subscribe, or sub ports, receive them. Connections between pub and sub ports happen via topics.

Topics are a virtual1 message stream: pub ports send messages into the stream, while sub ports receive messages from it.

The below RIAPS model snippet shows how each is declared:

message MsgTopic;
component Foo {
  pub pubPort : MsgTopic;

component Bar {
  sub subPort : MsgTopic;

A topic called MsgTopic is declared with the message keyword.
A component uses the pub keyword to declare a publish port named pubPort. A colon separates the port name from the topic it will publish to, namely MsgTopic.
Another component uses the sub keyword to declare a subscribe port named subPort. It subscribes to MsgTopic, and will receive messages published there1.

A publish port can be used almost anywhere in a component implementation. For example, the Foo component above can send a string using its pubPort by calling:

my_msg = "Hello from Foo"

The message sent can be any serializable Python object. The pubPort will send the message to all connected sub ports, in this case subPort declared in the above Bar component. When the message is received by subPort, it triggers the poller in Bar to look for and run a function named on_subPort, like in the below:

class Bar(Component):
    def on_subPort(self):
        msg = self.subPort.recv_pyobj()
        # msg contains "Hello from Foo"
  1. Under-the-hood, a topic is not a place in memory, but a string that sub ports use to look up pub ports that they should connect to. When a pub port publishes a message, it sends the message to each connected sub port, one-at-a-time. This means that when a topic has more than one publisher, the received message order is not necessarily the same for at all subscribers.  2