RIAPS Platform Information


RIAPS is a Resilient Middleware for Smart Grids. See riaps.isis.vanderbilt.edu for more information.

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Parameterizing Actors and Components

RIAPS supports parameterizing software components through the component constructor. These parameters can be set and overridden hierarchically, from the component definition (lowest level) to a deployed actor instance (highest level).

Component Parameters

Component code is made modular with parameters: a sine-wave generator should be re-usable without having to edit the code to modify the generated frequency or amplitude. The following component snippet shows the syntax for accepting component parameters frequency and amplitude:

class Generator(Component):
    def __init__(self, frequency, amplitude):
        self.frequency = frequency
        self.amplitude = amplitude

Note that self is required, and is always the first argument, as part of Python’s inheritance patterns.

Doing this changes the component definition in the .riaps model file:

component Generator(frequency, amplitude) {
    // port declarations, etc

You can optionally provide defaults values, like below:

component Generator(frequency = 60.0, amplitude = 170) { ... }

These values can be overwritten at the actor level when the Generator component is used. Below, the Generator instance LowFrequencyGen.generator will have a frequency of 60.0 and an amplitude of 170. The parameters for HighFrequencyGen.generator are overridden with a frequency of 400.0 and an amplitude of 162.

actor LowFrequencyGen {
        generator : Generator;

actor HighFrequencyGen {
        generator : Generator(frequency = 400.0, amplitude = 162)

Actor Parameters

Just as components can be written for reuse, actors can be reused by deploying them multiple times in a single app. Consider the updated definition of actor LowFrequencyGen below:

actor LowFrequencyGen(frequency, amplitude) {
        generator : Generator(frequency = frequency, amplitude = amplitude);

Now, when the LowFrequencyGen actor is use in a .depl deployment file, it expects two parameters: frequency and amplitude. These input parameters will then be used when creating an instance of the component Generator.

Like with components, actors can optionally define default values for their parameters:

actor LowFrequencyGen(frequency = 60, amplitude = 277) { ... }

Finally, these parameters can be set in the .depl deployment file:

app ParametersExample {
    on (riaps-abcd.local) LowFrequencyGen(frequency = 50, amplitude = 208);
    on (riaps-1234.local) LowFrequencyGen;